P - Open market or private purchase
S - Open market or private sale
V - Transaction voluntarily reported earlier than required
A - Grant, award, or other acquisition
D - Sale (or disposition) back to the issuer
F - Payment of exercise price or tax liability
I - Discretionary transaction
M - Exercise of conversion of derivative security
C - Conversion of derivative security
E - Expiration of short derivative position
H - Expiration (or cancellation) of long derivative position with value received
O - Exercise of out-of-the-money derivative securities
X - Exercise of in-the-money or at-the-money derivatives securities
G - Bona fide gift
L - Small Acquisition
W - Acquisition or disposition by will or laws
Z - Deposit into or withdrawal from voting trust
J - Other acquisition or disposition
K - Transaction in equity swap or similar instrument
U - Disposition due to a tender of shares in a change of control transaction