A detailed history of Hestia Capital Management, LLC transactions in Celsius Holdings, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Hestia Capital Management, LLC holds 10,000 shares of CELH stock, worth $256,500. This represents 0.18% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Holding current value
% of portfolio


0 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form

Others Institutions Holding CELH

About Celsius Holdings, Inc.

  • Ticker CELH
  • Exchange NASDAQ
  • Sector Consumer Defensive
  • Industry Beverages—Non-Alcoholic
  • Shares Outstandng 75,640,896
  • Market Cap $1.94B
  • Description
  • Celsius Holdings, Inc. develops, processes, markets, distributes, and sells functional drinks and liquid supplements in North America, Europe, Asia, and internationally. It offers various carbonated and non-carbonated functional energy drinks under the CELSIUS Originals name; dietary supplement in carbonated flavors, including apple jack'd, oran...
More about CELH
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