A detailed history of Eagle Bay Advisors LLC transactions in Pmv Pharmaceuticals, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Eagle Bay Advisors LLC holds 234 shares of PMVP stock, worth $294. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Holding current value
% of portfolio


0 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form

Others Institutions Holding PMVP

About PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

  • Ticker PMVP
  • Exchange NASDAQ
  • Sector Healthcare
  • Industry Biotechnology
  • Shares Outstandng 45,622,600
  • Market Cap $57.5M
  • Description
  • PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a precision oncology company, engages in the discovery and development of small molecule and tumor-agnostic therapies for p53 mutations in cancer. The company's lead product candidate is PC14586, a small molecule that corrects a p53 protein containing the Y220C mutation and restores wild-type p53 function. It is also d...
More about PMVP
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