American Portfolios Advisors Schwab Intermediate Term Us Tr Transaction History
American Portfolios Advisors
- $2.36 Trillion
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of American Portfolios Advisors transactions in Schwab Intermediate Term Us Tr stock. As of the latest transaction made, American Portfolios Advisors holds 47,246 shares of SCHR stock, worth $1.14 Million. This represents 0.1% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
47,246Holding current value
$1.14 Million% of portfolio
20 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SCHR
# of Institutions
428Shares Held
330MCall Options Held
1.2KPut Options Held
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc San Francisco, CA217MShares$5.26 Billion1.0% of portfolio
Royal Bank Of Canada Toronto, A610.7MShares$258 Million0.11% of portfolio
Stifel Financial Corp St. Louis, MO7.78MShares$188 Million0.2% of portfolio
Jpmorgan Chase & CO New York, NY5.7MShares$138 Million0.01% of portfolio
Ameriprise Financial Inc Minneapolis, MN5.19MShares$126 Million0.07% of portfolio