American Portfolios Advisors Sasol LTD Transaction History
American Portfolios Advisors
- $2.36 Trillion
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of American Portfolios Advisors transactions in Sasol LTD stock. As of the latest transaction made, American Portfolios Advisors holds 248 shares of SSL stock, worth $1,182. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
248Holding current value
$1,182% of portfolio
8 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SSL
# of Institutions
111Shares Held
10.6MCall Options Held
49KPut Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY2.68MShares$12.8 Million0.0% of portfolio
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP Austin, TX1.04MShares$4.94 Million0.0% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY989KShares$4.72 Million0.0% of portfolio
Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.723KShares$3.45 Million0.03% of portfolio
American Century Companies Inc Kansas City, MO621KShares$2.96 Million0.0% of portfolio
- Ticker SSL
- Exchange OTC
- Sector Basic Materials
- Industry Specialty Chemicals
- Shares Outstandng 629,366,976
- Market Cap $3B
- Description
- Sasol Limited, together with its subsidiaries, operates as an integrated chemical and energy company in South Africa. The company operates through six segments: Mining, Gas, Fuels, Chemicals Africa, Chemicals America, and Chemicals Eurasia. It offers acetate, acrylate monomer, ammonia, carbon, chlor alkali, explosive, fertilizer, glycol ether, h...