American Portfolios Advisors United Microelectronics Corp Transaction History
American Portfolios Advisors
- $2.36 Trillion
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of American Portfolios Advisors transactions in United Microelectronics Corp stock. As of the latest transaction made, American Portfolios Advisors holds 2,301 shares of UMC stock, worth $14,151. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
2,301Holding current value
$14,151% of portfolio
13 transactions
Others Institutions Holding UMC
# of Institutions
293Shares Held
160MCall Options Held
1.03MPut Options Held
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY23.1MShares$142 Million0.0% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA15.2MShares$93.5 Million0.0% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY14.5MShares$89.2 Million0.01% of portfolio
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC9.38MShares$57.7 Million0.01% of portfolio
Marshall Wace, LLP London, X07.83MShares$48.2 Million0.09% of portfolio
- Ticker UMC
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Technology
- Industry Semiconductors
- Shares Outstandng 2,496,399,872
- Market Cap $15.4B
- Description
- United Microelectronics Corporation operates as a semiconductor wafer foundry in Taiwan, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Japan, the United States, Europe, and internationally. The company provides circuit design, mask tooling, wafer fabrication, and assembly and testing services. It serves fabless design companies and integrated device manufacturer...