B.O.S.S. Retirement Advisors, LLC Wisdomtree Tr Emerging Mkts Ex Transaction History
B.O.S.S. Retirement Advisors, LLC
- $358 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of B.O.S.S. Retirement Advisors, LLC transactions in Wisdomtree Tr Emerging Mkts Ex stock. As of the latest transaction made, B.O.S.S. Retirement Advisors, LLC holds 7,069 shares of XSOE stock, worth $225,076. This represents 0.06% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
7,069Holding current value
$225,076% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding XSOE
# of Institutions
251Shares Held
35.2MCall Options Held
1.8KPut Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY3.53MShares$112 Million0.01% of portfolio
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC1.98MShares$63.1 Million0.01% of portfolio
Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings LTD Tel Aviv, L31.81MShares$57.6 Million0.5% of portfolio
Valmark Advisers, Inc.1.64MShares$52.3 Million0.79% of portfolio
Ubs Group Ag1.54MShares$49 Million0.01% of portfolio