3 Edge Asset Management, LP T Rowe Price Exchange Traded F Transaction History
3 Edge Asset Management, LP
- $1.45 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of 3 Edge Asset Management, LP transactions in T Rowe Price Exchange Traded F stock. As of the latest transaction made, 3 Edge Asset Management, LP holds 186,241 shares of TBUX stock, worth $9.24 Million. This represents 0.64% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 93,567
Holding current value
$9.24 Million
Previous $4.66 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.4%
3 transactions
Others Institutions Holding TBUX
# of Institutions
46Shares Held
15.8MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Strategic Financial Concepts, LLC San Antonio, TX13.2MShares$656 Million2.41% of portfolio
Raymond James Financial Inc St. Petersburg, FL723KShares$35.9 Million0.01% of portfolio
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc.252KShares$12.5 Million0.04% of portfolio
Raymond James & Associates St Petersburg, FL226KShares$11.2 Million0.01% of portfolio
Stifel Financial Corp St. Louis, MO177KShares$8.76 Million0.01% of portfolio