American Portfolios Advisors Vaneck ETF Tr International Hi Transaction History
American Portfolios Advisors
- $2.36 Trillion
- Q3 2022
A detailed history of American Portfolios Advisors transactions in Vaneck ETF Tr International Hi stock. As of the latest transaction made, American Portfolios Advisors holds 610 shares of IHY stock, worth $12,718. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
610Holding current value
$12,718% of portfolio
15 transactions
Others Institutions Holding IHY
# of Institutions
30Shares Held
430KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Sykon Capital LLC Harrison, NY131KShares$2.73 Million1.0% of portfolio
Cambria Investment Management, L.P.54.7KShares$1.14 Million0.07% of portfolio
Jane Street Group, LLC New York, NY47.9KShares$998,0680.0% of portfolio
New Square Capital LLC47.5KShares$989,7070.08% of portfolio
Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC41.3KShares$861,2710.01% of portfolio