Aristeia Capital LLC Starwood Property Trust, Inc. Transaction History
Aristeia Capital LLC
- $1.4 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Aristeia Capital LLC transactions in Starwood Property Trust, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Aristeia Capital LLC holds 22,994 shares of STWD stock, worth $456,660. This represents 0.03% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
22,994Holding current value
$456,660% of portfolio
2 transactions
Others Institutions Holding STWD
# of Institutions
577Shares Held
169MCall Options Held
4.09MPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA30.9MShares$615 Million0.01% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY29.6MShares$588 Million0.01% of portfolio
State Street Corp Boston, MA9.88MShares$196 Million0.01% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY6.52MShares$129 Million0.01% of portfolio
Geode Capital Management, LLC Boston, MA5.3MShares$105 Million0.01% of portfolio
- Ticker STWD
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Real Estate
- Industry REIT—Mortgage
- Shares Outstandng 309,220,992
- Market Cap $6.14B
- Description
- Starwood Property Trust, Inc. operates as a real estate investment trust (REIT) in the United States, Europe, and Australia. It operates through four segments: Commercial and Residential Lending, Infrastructure Lending, Property, and Investing and Servicing segments. The Commercial and Residential Lending segment originates, acquires, finances, ...