Black Rock Inc. Sobr Safe, Inc. Transaction History
Black Rock Inc.
- $4.35 Trillion
- Q2 2024
A detailed history of Black Rock Inc. transactions in Sobr Safe, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Black Rock Inc. holds 34,100 shares of SOBR stock, worth $22,506. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 54,175
Holding current value
Previous $22,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
6 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SOBR
# of Institutions
4Shares Held
289KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
0About SOBR Safe, Inc.
- Ticker SOBR
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Technology
- Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments
- Shares Outstandng 12,899,400
- Market Cap $8.51M
- Description
- SOBR Safe, Inc. develops a non-invasive alcohol detection and identity verification systems. It engages in the development of SOBRcheck, a stationary identification and alcohol monitoring product; SOBRsure, a transdermal, alcohol-detecting wearable band; and SOBRSafe software platform for non-invasive alcohol detection and identity verification....