Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. United States Gasoline Fund, LP Transaction History
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc.
- $29.9 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. transactions in United States Gasoline Fund, LP stock. As of the latest transaction made, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. holds 49,956 shares of UGA stock, worth $3.12 Million. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 103,060
Holding current value
$3.12 Million
Previous $6.02 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.02%
17 transactions
Others Institutions Holding UGA
# of Institutions
53Shares Held
656KCall Options Held
19.1KPut Options Held
Commonwealth Equity Services, LLC193KShares$12 Million0.02% of portfolio
Ramiah Investment Group Brookfield, WI94.4KShares$5.9 Million6.23% of portfolio
Milestone Asset Management, LLC Pittsburgh, PA32KShares$2 Million0.44% of portfolio
Blue Capital, Inc. Omaha, NE22.5KShares$1.41 Million1.0% of portfolio
Capital Wealth Alliance, LLC21.1KShares$1.32 Million0.79% of portfolio
About United States Gasoline Fund, LP
- Ticker UGA
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector ETFs
- Industry ETFs
- Shares Outstandng 1,800,000
- Market Cap $113M