Capital Research Global Investors Melco Resorts & Entertainment LTD Transaction History
Capital Research Global Investors
- $463 Billion
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Capital Research Global Investors transactions in Melco Resorts & Entertainment LTD stock. As of the latest transaction made, Capital Research Global Investors holds 22,038,698 shares of MLCO stock, worth $136 Million. This represents 0.04% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 31,124,232
Holding current value
$136 Million
Previous $232 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.05%
28 transactions
Others Institutions Holding MLCO
# of Institutions
191Shares Held
159MCall Options Held
5.5MPut Options Held
Arga Investment Management, LP29.2MShares$180 Million7.8% of portfolio
Capital World Investors Los Angeles, CA13.4MShares$82.7 Million0.02% of portfolio
Coronation Fund Managers Ltd. Cape Town, T313.1MShares$80.4 Million5.92% of portfolio
Eminence Capital, LP New York, NY6.33MShares$38.9 Million0.74% of portfolio
Ken Griffin Citadel Advisors LLC | Chicago, Il6.17MShares$37.9 Million0.01% of portfolio
About Melco Resorts & Entertainment LTD
- Ticker MLCO
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Consumer Cyclical
- Industry Resorts & Casinos
- Shares Outstandng 456,684,000
- Market Cap $2.81B
- Description
- Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited develops, owns, and operates casino gaming and resort facilities in Asia and Europe. It owns and operates City of Dreams, an integrated casino resort that has approximately 511 gaming tables and 572 gaming machines; approximately 770 rooms, and suites and villas; approximately 25 restaurants and bars, an...