A detailed history of Compagnie Lombard Odier S Cm A transactions in Repare Therapeutics Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Compagnie Lombard Odier S Cm A holds 14,000 shares of RPTX stock, worth $15,959. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Previous 14,000 -0.0%
Holding current value
Previous $48,000 62.5%
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%


1 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form
Q1 2023

May 01, 2023

$9.32 - $15.06 $130,480 - $210,840
14,000 New
14,000 $137,000

Others Institutions Holding RPTX

About Repare Therapeutics Inc.

  • Ticker RPTX
  • Exchange NASDAQ
  • Sector Healthcare
  • Industry Biotechnology
  • Shares Outstandng 41,937,800
  • Market Cap $47.8M
  • Description
  • Repare Therapeutics Inc., a clinical-stage precision oncology company, discovers and develops therapeutics by using its synthetic lethality approach in Canada and the United States. The company uses its SNIPRx, a proprietary, genome-wide, and CRISPR-enabled platform to systematically discover and develop highly targeted cancer therapies that foc...
More about RPTX
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