F3 Logic, LLC Starboard Invt Tr Rh Hedged Mu Transaction History
F3 Logic, LLC
- $475 Million
- Q4 2022
A detailed history of F3 Logic, LLC transactions in Starboard Invt Tr Rh Hedged Mu stock. As of the latest transaction made, F3 Logic, LLC holds 1,778,282 shares of AMAX stock, worth $13.4 Million. This represents 2.87% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 1,812,447
Holding current value
$13.4 Million
Previous $13.6 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 2.84%
5 transactions
Others Institutions Holding AMAX
# of Institutions
20Shares Held
6.25MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. Rolling Meadows, IL1.78MShares$13.4 Million2.86% of portfolio
Kestra Private Wealth Services, LLC913KShares$6.87 Million0.13% of portfolio
Encompass More Asset Management Danville, CA481KShares$3.62 Million1.23% of portfolio
Rockport Wealth LLC Fairview Park, OH428KShares$3.22 Million1.52% of portfolio
Partners Wealth Management, LLC Carmel By The Sea, CA289KShares$2.18 Million2.56% of portfolio