Farmer Steven Patrick Sjw Group Transaction History
Farmer Steven Patrick
- $6.42 Billion
- Q2 2022
A detailed history of Farmer Steven Patrick transactions in Sjw Group stock. As of the latest transaction made, Farmer Steven Patrick holds 96,943 shares of SJW stock, worth $4.57 Million. This represents 0.09% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
96,943Holding current value
$4.57 Million% of portfolio
0.09%About SJW GROUP
- Ticker SJW
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Utilities
- Industry Utilities—Regulated Water
- Shares Outstandng 30,247,700
- Market Cap $1.43B
- Description
- SJW Group, through its subsidiaries, provides water utility services in the United States. It engages in the production, purchase, storage, purification, distribution, wholesale, and retail sale of water and wastewater services. The company also provides non-tariffed services, including water system operations, maintenance agreements, and antenn...