Gabriel Plotkin Big Lots Inc Transaction History
Melvin Capital Management LP
- $0
- Q3 2023
A detailed history of Gabriel Plotkin (Melvin Capital Management LP) transactions in Big Lots Inc stock. As of the latest transaction made, Melvin Capital Management LP holds 1,623,100 shares of BIG stock, worth $178,541. This represents 0.61% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
1,623,100Holding current value
$178,541% of portfolio
0 transactions
Quarter | Operation | Price Per share | shares change | shares Held | SEC Form |
Others Institutions Holding BIG
# of Institutions
31Shares Held
2.01MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Barclays PLC London, X01.12MShares$122,9960.0% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY528KShares$58,1220.0% of portfolio
Artha Asset Management LLC Hoboken, NJ120KShares$13,2002.07% of portfolio
Hilltop Holdings Inc. Dallas, TX46.9KShares$5,1590.0% of portfolio
Simplex Trading, LLC46.7KShares$5,1370.0% of portfolio
- Ticker BIG
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Consumer Defensive
- Industry Discount Stores
- Shares Outstandng 28,941,900
- Market Cap $3.18M
- Description
- Big Lots, Inc., through its subsidiaries, operates as a home discount retailer in the United States. The company offers products under various merchandising categories, such as furniture category that includes upholstery, mattresses, case goods, and ready-to-assemble departments; seasonal category, which comprises patio furniture, gazebos, Chris...