Mario Gabelli Gyrodyne, LLC Transaction History
Gamco Investors, Inc. Et Al
- $8.8 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Mario Gabelli (Gamco Investors, Inc. Et Al) transactions in Gyrodyne, LLC stock. As of the latest transaction made, Gamco Investors, Inc. Et Al holds 14,411 shares of GYRO stock, worth $120,908. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 14,411
Holding current value
Previous $112,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding GYRO
# of Institutions
13Shares Held
813KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Towerview LLC341KShares$2.86 Million2.37% of portfolio
Gabelli Funds LLC Rye, NY220KShares$1.84 Million0.02% of portfolio
Gabelli & CO Investment Advisers, Inc. Rye, NY173KShares$1.45 Million0.3% of portfolio
Teton Advisors, Inc. Rye, NY18.3KShares$153,7800.09% of portfolio
Round Hill Asset Management Pasadena, CA15.3KShares$128,6010.1% of portfolio
About Gyrodyne, LLC
- Ticker GYRO
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Real Estate
- Industry Real Estate Services
- Shares Outstandng 1,482,680
- Market Cap $12.4M
- Description
- Gyrodyne, LLC. owns, leases and manages diverse commercial properties. The firm is distinguished by its service-oriented philosophy toward property ownership and management. Gyrodyne has grown from a largely Long Island player during the past into a diversified East Coast presence with an emphasis on medical office product.