Generali Investments Cee, Investicni Spolecnost, A.S. Kinross Gold Corp Transaction History
Generali Investments Cee, Investicni Spolecnost, A.S.
- $970 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Generali Investments Cee, Investicni Spolecnost, A.S. transactions in Kinross Gold Corp stock. As of the latest transaction made, Generali Investments Cee, Investicni Spolecnost, A.S. holds 47,000 shares of KGC stock, worth $559,770. This represents 0.04% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
47,000Holding current value
$559,770% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding KGC
# of Institutions
514Shares Held
706MCall Options Held
5.75MPut Options Held
Van Eck Associates Corp116MShares$1.39 Billion1.38% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA46.6MShares$555 Million0.01% of portfolio
Boston Partners Boston, MA44.1MShares$525 Million0.51% of portfolio
Arrowstreet Capital, Limited Partnership Boston, MA34.2MShares$407 Million0.27% of portfolio
Jim Simons Renaissance Technologies LLC | New York, Ny29.6MShares$353 Million0.44% of portfolio
- Ticker KGC
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Basic Materials
- Industry Gold
- Shares Outstandng 1,300,050,048
- Market Cap $15.5B
- Description
- Kinross Gold Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the acquisition, exploration, and development of gold properties principally in the United States, the Russian Federation, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, and Mauritania. It is also involved in the extraction and processing of gold-containing ores; reclamation of gold mining properties; ...