Gofen & Glossberg LLC Wm Technology Inc Wt Pur Com E Transaction History
Gofen & Glossberg LLC
- $3.89 Billion
- Q4 2022
A detailed history of Gofen & Glossberg LLC transactions in Wm Technology Inc Wt Pur Com E stock. As of the latest transaction made, Gofen & Glossberg LLC holds 18,500 shares of MAPSW stock, worth $740. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
18,500Holding current value
$740% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding MAPSW
# of Institutions
17Shares Held
3.16MCall Options Held
1.02MPut Options Held
Cowen And Company, LLC950KShares$38,0110.0% of portfolio
Alpha Wave Global, LP New York, NY831KShares$33,2330.01% of portfolio
Css LLC Chicago, IL415KShares$16,6000.0% of portfolio
Gts Securities LLC New York, NY415KShares$16,5880.0% of portfolio
Polar Asset Management Partners Inc. Toronto, A6251KShares$10,0580.0% of portfolio