A detailed history of Great Waters Wealth Management transactions in Omega Healthcare Investors Inc stock. As of the latest transaction made, Great Waters Wealth Management holds 10,000 shares of OHI stock, worth $368,400. This represents 0.05% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Previous 10,000 -0.0%
Holding current value
Previous $407 Million 7.0%
% of portfolio
Previous 0.05%


1 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form
Q2 2023

Jul 07, 2023

$26.15 - $31.2 $261,500 - $312,000
10,000 New
10,000 $307 Million

Others Institutions Holding OHI


  • Ticker OHI
  • Exchange NYSE
  • Sector Real Estate
  • Industry REIT—Healthcare Facilities
  • Shares Outstandng 234,111,008
  • Market Cap $8.62B
  • Description
  • Omega is a real estate investment trust that invests in the long-term healthcare industry, primarily in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. Its portfolio of assets is operated by a diverse group of healthcare companies, predominantly in a triple-net lease structure. The assets span all regions within the US, as well as in the UK.
More about OHI
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