Hibernia Wealth Partners, LLC Spdr Portfolio Transaction History
Hibernia Wealth Partners, LLC
- $153 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Hibernia Wealth Partners, LLC transactions in Spdr Portfolio stock. As of the latest transaction made, Hibernia Wealth Partners, LLC holds 44,374 shares of SPMD stock, worth $2.3 Million. This represents 1.58% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 102,373
Holding current value
$2.3 Million
Previous $5.6 Billion
% of portfolio
Previous 1.67%
6 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SPMD
# of Institutions
720Shares Held
205MCall Options Held
2.1KPut Options Held
Creative Planning Overland Park, KS77MShares$3.99 Billion4.1% of portfolio
Betterment LLC New York, NY17.9MShares$928 Million2.36% of portfolio
Lpl Financial LLC Fort Mill, SC12.9MShares$667 Million0.3% of portfolio
Valmark Advisers, Inc.6MShares$310 Million5.14% of portfolio
Tiedemann Advisors, LLC5.75MShares$298 Million10.91% of portfolio