Intelligence Driven Advisers, LLC Spdr Index Shs Fds Msci Eafe S Transaction History
Intelligence Driven Advisers, LLC
- $532 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Intelligence Driven Advisers, LLC transactions in Spdr Index Shs Fds Msci Eafe S stock. As of the latest transaction made, Intelligence Driven Advisers, LLC holds 674,282 shares of QEFA stock, worth $50.4 Million. This represents 9.48% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 885,775
Holding current value
$50.4 Million
Previous $66.3 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 9.56%
9 transactions
Others Institutions Holding QEFA
# of Institutions
129Shares Held
11.6MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Ameriprise Financial Inc Minneapolis, MN2.25MShares$168 Million0.04% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY1.4MShares$105 Million0.01% of portfolio
Lpl Financial LLC Fort Mill, SC790KShares$59.1 Million0.02% of portfolio
Great Valley Advisor Group, Inc.601KShares$45 Million1.11% of portfolio
Financial Enhancement Group LLC Anderson, IN446KShares$33.3 Million5.97% of portfolio