Iron Horse Wealth Management, LLC Proshares Ultra Semiconductors Transaction History
Iron Horse Wealth Management, LLC
- $276 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Iron Horse Wealth Management, LLC transactions in Proshares Ultra Semiconductors stock. As of the latest transaction made, Iron Horse Wealth Management, LLC holds 612 shares of USD stock, worth $28,409. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 306
Holding current value
Previous $36,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.01%
4 transactions
Others Institutions Holding USD
# of Institutions
68Shares Held
1.46MCall Options Held
352KPut Options Held
Dale Q Rice Investment Management LTD Vancouver, WA437KShares$20.3 Million12.51% of portfolio
Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC377KShares$17.5 Million0.3% of portfolio
Laurel Wealth Advisors, Inc. Solana Beach, CA189KShares$8.75 Million0.31% of portfolio
Client First Investment Management LLC West Bend, WI69KShares$3.2 Million2.89% of portfolio
Tower Research Capital LLC (Trc) New York, NY45.6KShares$2.11 Million0.06% of portfolio