James Investment Research Inc Ishares Tr Residential And Mul Transaction History
James Investment Research Inc
- $853 Million
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of James Investment Research Inc transactions in Ishares Tr Residential And Mul stock. As of the latest transaction made, James Investment Research Inc holds 2,389 shares of REZ stock, worth $194,369. This represents 0.02% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
2,389Holding current value
$194,369% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding REZ
# of Institutions
167Shares Held
7.33MCall Options Held
6.7KPut Options Held
Menora Mivtachim Holdings Ltd.2.58MShares$210 Million1.46% of portfolio
Franklin, Parlapiano, Turner & Welch, LLC476KShares$38.7 Million10.92% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY377KShares$30.7 Million0.0% of portfolio
Aprio Wealth Management, LLC258KShares$21 Million3.96% of portfolio
Royal Bank Of Canada Toronto, A6221KShares$18 Million0.0% of portfolio