Egerton Capital (Uk) LLP, under direction of John Armitage has filed its 13F form on August 13, 2024 for Q2 2024 where it was disclosed a total value porftolio of $7.87 Billion distributed in 26 stocks.
Among their holdings, we can observe that their the top five positions include companies like: Amazon Com Inc with a value of $753M, Meta Platforms, Inc. with a value of $675M, Visa Inc. with a value of $670M, Microsoft Corp with a value of $666M, and Alphabet Inc. with a value of $594M.
Examining the 13F form we can see an decrease of $328M in the current position value, from $8.2B to 7.87B.
Below you can find more details about John Armitage portfolio as well as his latest detailed transactions.
John Armitage is the co-founder and CEO of Egerton Capital (UK), a successful investment firm that focuses on global equities. Armitage has a reputation as a skilled investor and has been involved in a number of successful investments over the course of his career.