Kaizen Financial Strategies Spdr Portfolio Long Term Corpo Transaction History
Kaizen Financial Strategies
- $167 Million
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Kaizen Financial Strategies transactions in Spdr Portfolio Long Term Corpo stock. As of the latest transaction made, Kaizen Financial Strategies holds 8,350 shares of SPLB stock, worth $189,127. This represents 0.12% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
8,350Holding current value
$189,127% of portfolio
4 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SPLB
# of Institutions
143Shares Held
22.6MCall Options Held
33.2KPut Options Held
Lpl Financial LLC Fort Mill, SC2.51MShares$56.8 Million0.03% of portfolio
Rockland Trust CO1.59MShares$35.9 Million1.81% of portfolio
Nyl Investors LLC New York, NY1.44MShares$32.7 Million2.94% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY924KShares$20.9 Million0.0% of portfolio
Sterling Financial Group, Inc. Pasadena, CA815KShares$18.5 Million8.69% of portfolio