Kingswood Wealth Advisors, LLC Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae Transaction History
Kingswood Wealth Advisors, LLC
- $1.33 Trillion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Kingswood Wealth Advisors, LLC transactions in Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae stock. As of the latest transaction made, Kingswood Wealth Advisors, LLC holds 17,240 shares of FNMA stock, worth $100,681. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
17,240Holding current value
$100,681% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding FNMA
# of Institutions
15Shares Held
439KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Garde Capital, Inc. Seattle, WA236KShares$1.38 Million0.05% of portfolio
Pinnacle Holdings, LLC Tulsa, OK113KShares$659,8490.18% of portfolio
Milestone Wealth, LLC Buffalo, NY20.1KShares$117,4770.01% of portfolio
Wesbanco Bank Inc20KShares$116,8700.0% of portfolio
High Point Advisor Group LLC Downers Grove, IL10.7KShares$62,3240.0% of portfolio
- Ticker FNMA
- Exchange OTC
- Sector Financial Services
- Industry Mortgage Finance
- Shares Outstandng 1,158,089,984
- Market Cap $6.76B
- Description
- Federal National Mortgage Association provides a source of financing for mortgages in the United States. It securitizes mortgage loans originated by lenders into Fannie Mae mortgage-backed securities (Fannie Mae MBS). The company operates through two segments, Single-Family and Multifamily. The Single-Family segment securitizes and purchases sin...