A detailed history of Jim Chanos (Kynikos Associates LP) transactions in Mongo Db, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Kynikos Associates LP holds 1,500 shares of MDB stock, worth $288,810. This represents 0.17% of its overall portfolio holdings.

Number of Shares
Holding current value
% of portfolio


0 transactions
Quarter Operation Price Per share shares change shares Held SEC Form

Others Institutions Holding MDB

About MongoDB, Inc.

  • Ticker MDB
  • Exchange NASDAQ
  • Sector Technology
  • Industry Software—Infrastructure
  • Shares Outstandng 68,707,104
  • Market Cap $13.2B
  • Description
  • MongoDB, Inc. provides general purpose database platform worldwide. The company offers MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, a commercial database server for enterprise customers to run in the cloud, on-premise, or in a hybrid environment; MongoDB Atlas, a hosted multi-cloud database-as-a-service solution; and Community Server, a free-to-download version...
More about MDB
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