Loomis Sayles & CO L P N Cino, Inc. Transaction History
Loomis Sayles & CO L P
- $79.2 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Loomis Sayles & CO L P transactions in N Cino, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Loomis Sayles & CO L P holds 544,688 shares of NCNO stock, worth $17.5 Million. This represents 0.02% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
544,688Holding current value
$17.5 Million% of portfolio
5 transactions
Others Institutions Holding NCNO
# of Institutions
319Shares Held
118MCall Options Held
872KPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA10.8MShares$347 Million0.01% of portfolio
Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management LLC Los Angeles, CA6.89MShares$221 Million0.55% of portfolio
Hmi Capital Management, L.P. San Francisco, CA6.77MShares$217 Million12.81% of portfolio
Wasatch Advisors Inc Salt Lake City, UT6.18MShares$198 Million1.04% of portfolio
Capital International Investors Los Angeles, CA4.69MShares$150 Million0.03% of portfolio
About nCino, Inc.
- Ticker NCNO
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Technology
- Industry Software—Application
- Shares Outstandng 110,851,000
- Market Cap $3.55B
- Description
- nCino, Inc., a software-as-a-service company, provides cloud-based software applications to financial institutions in the United States and internationally. Its nCino Bank Operating System, a tenant cloud platform, which digitizes, automates, and streamlines complex processes and workflow; and utilizes data analytics and artificial intelligence ...