Macquarie Group LTD Ishares Tr Transaction History
Macquarie Group LTD
- $86.4 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Macquarie Group LTD transactions in Ishares Tr stock. As of the latest transaction made, Macquarie Group LTD holds 1,000 shares of FXI stock, worth $35,050. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
1,000Holding current value
$35,050% of portfolio
6 transactions
Others Institutions Holding FXI
# of Institutions
436Shares Held
234MCall Options Held
182MPut Options Held
Ubs Group Ag36.5MShares$1.28 Billion0.21% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY28.1MShares$984 Million0.06% of portfolio
Rafferty Asset Management, LLC New York, NY27.5MShares$964 Million3.03% of portfolio
Citigroup Inc24.5MShares$858 Million0.46% of portfolio
Barclays PLC London, X018.3MShares$641 Million0.16% of portfolio