Milestone Advisory Partners Vanguard Wellington Fd U S Val Transaction History
Milestone Advisory Partners
- $120 Million
- Q3 2023
A detailed history of Milestone Advisory Partners transactions in Vanguard Wellington Fd U S Val stock. As of the latest transaction made, Milestone Advisory Partners holds 71,265 shares of VFVA stock, worth $8.83 Million. This represents 5.95% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 56,813
Holding current value
$8.83 Million
Previous $5.66 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 5.14%
10 transactions
Others Institutions Holding VFVA
# of Institutions
89Shares Held
2.31MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Adviser Investments LLC600KShares$74.4 Million0.91% of portfolio
Armbruster Capital Management, Inc.417KShares$51.7 Million10.05% of portfolio
Anderson Hoagland & CO267KShares$33.1 Million3.4% of portfolio
Sterling Manor Financial, LLC113KShares$14 Million9.69% of portfolio
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. St. Petersburg, FL66.7KShares$8.27 Million0.01% of portfolio