Morgan Stanley Grab Hldgs LTD Wt Exp (Cym) Transaction History
Morgan Stanley
- $1.39 Trillion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Morgan Stanley transactions in Grab Hldgs LTD Wt Exp (Cym) stock. As of the latest transaction made, Morgan Stanley holds 2,800 shares of GRABW stock, worth $2,212. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
2,800Holding current value
$2,212% of portfolio
7 transactions
Others Institutions Holding GRABW
# of Institutions
20Shares Held
4.4MCall Options Held
61.8KPut Options Held
Lmr Partners LLP London, X02.94MShares$2.32 Million0.01% of portfolio
Clearlake Capital Group, L.P. Santa Monica, CA500KShares$395,0000.02% of portfolio
Janus Henderson Group PLC London, X0404KShares$318,9650.0% of portfolio
Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund Toronto, A6117KShares$92,7250.0% of portfolio
Chescapmanager LLC Baltimore, MD100KShares$79,0000.0% of portfolio