Mount Lucas Management LP Spdr Ser Tr Ftse Intl Govt Inf Transaction History
Mount Lucas Management LP
- $287 Million
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Mount Lucas Management LP transactions in Spdr Ser Tr Ftse Intl Govt Inf stock. As of the latest transaction made, Mount Lucas Management LP holds 18,698 shares of WIP stock, worth $680,046. This represents 0.26% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
18,698Holding current value
$680,046% of portfolio
22 transactions
Others Institutions Holding WIP
# of Institutions
64Shares Held
3.32MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
State Street Corp Boston, MA529KShares$19.2 Million0.0% of portfolio
Family Firm, Inc.331KShares$12 Million1.43% of portfolio
Hantz Financial Services, Inc.269KShares$9.77 Million0.19% of portfolio
Gen Trust, LLC262KShares$9.52 Million0.52% of portfolio
Lbj Family Wealth Advisors, Ltd.235KShares$8.54 Million5.62% of portfolio