Nomura Asset Management CO LTD Graftech International LTD Transaction History
Nomura Asset Management CO LTD
- $32.3 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Nomura Asset Management CO LTD transactions in Graftech International LTD stock. As of the latest transaction made, Nomura Asset Management CO LTD holds 14,000 shares of EAF stock, worth $14,000. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 14,000
Holding current value
Previous $18,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
3 transactions
Others Institutions Holding EAF
# of Institutions
146Shares Held
122MCall Options Held
226KPut Options Held
Jeremy Grantham Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. LLC | Boston, Ma17.9MShares$17.9 Million0.1% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY17.1MShares$17.1 Million0.0% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA12.6MShares$12.6 Million0.0% of portfolio
Donald Yacktman Yacktman Asset Management LP10.6MShares$10.6 Million0.23% of portfolio
Ameriprise Financial Inc Minneapolis, MN5.98MShares$5.98 Million0.0% of portfolio
- Ticker EAF
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Industrials
- Industry Electrical Equipment & Parts
- Shares Outstandng 256,596,992
- Market Cap $257M
- Description
- GrafTech International Ltd. research, develops, manufactures, and sells graphite and carbon-based solutions worldwide. It offers graphite electrodes to produce electric arc furnace steel and other ferrous and non-ferrous metals; and petroleum needle coke, a crystalline form of carbon used in the production of graphite electrodes. The company sel...