Nomura Asset Management CO LTD Metlife Inc Transaction History
Nomura Asset Management CO LTD
- $32.3 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Nomura Asset Management CO LTD transactions in Metlife Inc stock. As of the latest transaction made, Nomura Asset Management CO LTD holds 188,001 shares of MET stock, worth $16.2 Million. This represents 0.05% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 191,851
Holding current value
$16.2 Million
Previous $15.8 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.05%
41 transactions
Others Institutions Holding MET
# of Institutions
1,574Shares Held
495MCall Options Held
5.72MPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA58MShares$5 Billion0.09% of portfolio
Dodge & Cox San Francisco, CA54.2MShares$4.67 Billion2.77% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY47.5MShares$4.09 Billion0.08% of portfolio
State Street Corp Boston, MA26.7MShares$2.31 Billion0.09% of portfolio
Price T Rowe Associates Inc Baltimore, MD24.7MShares$2.13 Billion0.23% of portfolio
- Ticker MET
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Financial Services
- Industry Insurance—Life
- Shares Outstandng 797,614,016
- Market Cap $68.7B
- Description
- MetLife, Inc., a financial services company, provides insurance, annuities, employee benefits, and asset management services worldwide. It operates through five segments: U.S.; Asia; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa; and MetLife Holdings. The company offers life, dental, group short-and long-term disability, individual disabilit...