Pb Mares Wealth Management LLC Dimensional ETF Tr Dimensional Transaction History
Pb Mares Wealth Management LLC
- $483 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Pb Mares Wealth Management LLC transactions in Dimensional ETF Tr Dimensional stock. As of the latest transaction made, Pb Mares Wealth Management LLC holds 179,741 shares of DISV stock, worth $5.08 Million. This represents 0.99% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 164,027
Holding current value
$5.08 Million
Previous $4.77 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 1.0%
11 transactions
Others Institutions Holding DISV
# of Institutions
323Shares Held
66MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Merriman Wealth Management, LLC8.87MShares$250 Million10.25% of portfolio
Forum Financial Management, LP Lombard, IL6.39MShares$181 Million3.36% of portfolio
Buckingham Strategic Wealth, LLC Clayton, MO3.15MShares$89 Million0.94% of portfolio
Buckingham Strategic Partners Saint Louis, MO2.23MShares$63 Million1.08% of portfolio
Ritholtz Wealth Management1.42MShares$40.2 Million1.12% of portfolio