Pine Valley Investments LTD Liability CO Schwab Strategic Tr Intl Eqty Transaction History
Pine Valley Investments LTD Liability CO
- $1.67 Trillion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Pine Valley Investments LTD Liability CO transactions in Schwab Strategic Tr Intl Eqty stock. As of the latest transaction made, Pine Valley Investments LTD Liability CO holds 12,261 shares of SCHF stock, worth $239,212. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
12,261Holding current value
$239,212% of portfolio
2 transactions
Others Institutions Holding SCHF
# of Institutions
1,311Shares Held
1.01BCall Options Held
80.7KPut Options Held
Empower Advisory Group, LLC Greenwood Village, CO181MShares$3.53 Billion11.33% of portfolio
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management CO155MShares$3.02 Billion5.68% of portfolio
Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C. Santa Clara, CA81.1MShares$1.58 Billion6.84% of portfolio
Personal Capital Advisors Corp71.3MShares$1.39 Billion11.16% of portfolio
Wealthfront Advisers LLC50.6MShares$988 Million6.47% of portfolio