R Squared LTD On24 Inc. Transaction History
R Squared LTD
- $103 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of R Squared LTD transactions in On24 Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, R Squared LTD holds 23,722 shares of ONTF stock, worth $132,368. This represents 0.15% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
23,722Holding current value
$132,368% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding ONTF
# of Institutions
116Shares Held
29.3MCall Options Held
18.3KPut Options Held
Lynrock Lake LP Rye Brook, NY7.33MShares$40.9 Million7.95% of portfolio
Indaba Capital Management, L.P. San Francisco, CA4.24MShares$23.7 Million53.82% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA2.55MShares$14.2 Million0.0% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY2.44MShares$13.6 Million0.0% of portfolio
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP Austin, TX1.45MShares$8.07 Million0.0% of portfolio
About ON24 INC.
- Ticker ONTF
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Technology
- Industry Software—Application
- Shares Outstandng 47,484,000
- Market Cap $265M
- Description
- ON24, Inc. provides a cloud-based digital experience platform that enables businesses to convert customer engagement into revenue through interactive webinar, virtual event, and multimedia content experiences worldwide. The company provides ON24 Experience products, such as ON24 Elite, a live and interactive webinar experience; ON24 Breakouts, a...