Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC Belpointe Prep, LLC Transaction History
Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC
- $2.75 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC transactions in Belpointe Prep, LLC stock. As of the latest transaction made, Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, LLC holds 21,424 shares of OZ stock, worth $1.56 Million. This represents 0.06% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 21,424
Holding current value
$1.56 Million
Previous $1.48 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 0.05%
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding OZ
# of Institutions
52Shares Held
1.44MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Belpointe Asset Management LLC298KShares$21.8 Million1.52% of portfolio
Empirical Financial Services, LLC D.B.A. Empirical Wealth Management256KShares$18.7 Million0.54% of portfolio
Precision Wealth Strategies, LLC236KShares$17.2 Million18.72% of portfolio
United Asset Strategies, Inc. Garden City, NY86.9KShares$6.35 Million0.62% of portfolio
Advisor Group Holdings, Inc. Phoenix, AZ55KShares$4.02 Million0.01% of portfolio
About Belpointe PREP, LLC
- Ticker OZ
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Real Estate
- Industry Real Estate—Development
- Shares Outstandng 3,413,450
- Market Cap $249M
- Description
- Belpointe PREP, LLC focuses on identifying, acquiring, developing or redeveloping, and managing commercial real estate properties in the United States. It also intends to invest in and manage a real estate-related assets, including commercial real estate loans and mortgages; and debt and equity securities issued by other real estate-related comp...