Sentinel Trust CO Lba Ishares Msci Acwi ETF Transaction History
Sentinel Trust CO Lba
- $871 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Sentinel Trust CO Lba transactions in Ishares Msci Acwi ETF stock. As of the latest transaction made, Sentinel Trust CO Lba holds 194,243 shares of ACWI stock, worth $22.9 Million. This represents 2.62% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 185,889
Holding current value
$22.9 Million
Previous $22.2 Million
% of portfolio
Previous 2.53%
7 transactions
Others Institutions Holding ACWI
# of Institutions
794Shares Held
79.3MCall Options Held
257KPut Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY7.28MShares$859 Million0.06% of portfolio
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD3.85MShares$454 Million17.02% of portfolio
Oversea Chinese Banking Corp LTD Great Eastern Centre, U02.4MShares$283 Million8.3% of portfolio
Mkp Capital Management, L.L.C. New York, NY2.24MShares$264 Million12.97% of portfolio
P/E Global LLC2.23MShares$263 Million58.95% of portfolio