Tiedemann Advisors, LLC Bp PLC Transaction History
Tiedemann Advisors, LLC
- $2.31 Billion
- Q3 2023
A detailed history of Tiedemann Advisors, LLC transactions in Bp PLC stock. As of the latest transaction made, Tiedemann Advisors, LLC holds 8,375 shares of BP stock, worth $271,098. This represents 0.01% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
8,375Holding current value
$271,098% of portfolio
21 transactions
Others Institutions Holding BP
# of Institutions
1,252Shares Held
306MCall Options Held
31.1MPut Options Held
Ken Fisher Fisher Asset Management, LLC | Camas, Wa23.3MShares$756 Million0.28% of portfolio
Norges Bank Oslo, Q821.5MShares$697 Million0.09% of portfolio
State Street Corp Boston, MA20.5MShares$664 Million0.02% of portfolio
Nomura Holdings Inc Tokyo, M016.1MShares$522 Million0.67% of portfolio
Morgan Stanley New York, NY15.1MShares$488 Million0.03% of portfolio
About BP PLC
- Ticker BP
- Exchange OTC
- Sector Energy
- Industry Oil & Gas Integrated
- Shares Outstandng 3,064,499,968
- Market Cap $99.2B
- Description
- BP p.l.c. engages in the energy business worldwide. It operates through Gas & Low Carbon Energy, Oil Production & Operations, Customers & Products, and Rosneft segments. It produces and trades in natural gas; offers biofuels; operates onshore and offshore wind power, and solar power generating facilities; and provides de-carbonizatio...