Total Wealth Planning, LLC Portfolio Holdings
Total Wealth Planning, LLC
- $605 Million
- Q3 2024
Total Wealth Planning, LLC has filed its 13F form on October 10, 2024 for Q3 2024 where it was disclosed a total value porftolio of $605 Million distributed in 90 stocks.
Among their holdings, we can observe that their the top five positions include companies like: Schwab Us Aggregate Bond ETF with a value of $79.3M, Vanguard Growth ETF with a value of $54.3M, Vanguard Value ETF with a value of $52.3M, Vanguard Sht Term Corp Bd ETF with a value of $48.8M, and Dimensional ETF Tr Emerging Mk with a value of $43.3M.
Examining the 13F form we can see an increase of $47.7M in the current position value, from $558M to 605M.
Below you can find more details about Total Wealth Planning, LLC portfolio as well as his latest detailed transactions.
Stock Holdings Table Market Cap. of $2 Billions to $10 Billions
Stock | Market Cap. | Holding Value (Reported) | # of Shares. | Last Trade | Trade History |