Ubs Group Ag Paysafe LTD Wt Exp (Bmu) Transaction History
Ubs Group Ag
- $527 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Ubs Group Ag transactions in Paysafe LTD Wt Exp (Bmu) stock. As of the latest transaction made, Ubs Group Ag holds 500 shares of PSFEWS stock, worth $0. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
500Holding current value
$0% of portfolio
13 transactions
Others Institutions Holding PSFEWS
# of Institutions
23Shares Held
10.5MCall Options Held
1.13MPut Options Held
Lmr Partners LLP London, X03.9MShares$00.0% of portfolio
Weiss Asset Management LP Boston, MA2.4MShares$00.0% of portfolio
Walleye Capital LLC Plymouth, MN2.2MShares$00.0% of portfolio
Aristeia Capital LLC Greenwich, CT820KShares$00.0% of portfolio
Jane Street Group, LLC New York, NY400KShares$00.0% of portfolio