Unified Investment Management Ishares Morningstar Small Cap Transaction History
Unified Investment Management
- $88 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Unified Investment Management transactions in Ishares Morningstar Small Cap stock. As of the latest transaction made, Unified Investment Management holds 4,047 shares of ISCV stock, worth $261,921. This represents 0.29% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
4,047Holding current value
$261,921% of portfolio
1 transactions
Others Institutions Holding ISCV
# of Institutions
126Shares Held
3.35MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY399KShares$25.8 Million0.0% of portfolio
Vaughan & CO Securities, Inc.261KShares$16.9 Million10.01% of portfolio
Steele Capital Management, Inc. Dubuque, IA186KShares$12 Million0.61% of portfolio
Matrix Trust CO186KShares$12 Million2.05% of portfolio
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC156KShares$10.1 Million0.0% of portfolio