Varley Holdings Pty LTD Tritium Dcfc LTD Transaction History
Varley Holdings Pty LTD
- $26.3 Billion
- Q4 2022
A detailed history of Varley Holdings Pty LTD transactions in Tritium Dcfc LTD stock. As of the latest transaction made, Varley Holdings Pty LTD holds 15,669,344 shares of DCFC stock, worth $470,080. This represents 100.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 21,599,977
Holding current value
Previous $68.9 Billion
% of portfolio
Previous 100.0%
3 transactions
Others Institutions Holding DCFC
# of Institutions
2Shares Held
15.9MCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
0About Tritium DCFC Ltd
- Ticker DCFC
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Industrials
- Industry Electrical Equipment & Parts
- Shares Outstandng 153,207,008
- Market Cap $4.6M
- Description
- Tritium DCFC Limited designs, manufactures, and supplies direct current chargers for electric vehicles in the United States, North America, Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific. The company's charging station hardware portfolio includes various standalone chargers, such as 50, 75, 175, and 350-kilowatt chargers. Its service and maintena...