Wolverine Asset Management LLC Pbf Logistics LP Transaction History
Wolverine Asset Management LLC
- $5.17 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Wolverine Asset Management LLC transactions in Pbf Logistics LP stock. As of the latest transaction made, Wolverine Asset Management LLC holds 17,500 shares of PBFX stock, worth $0. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
17,500Holding current value
$0% of portfolio
0 transactions
Quarter | Operation | Price Per share | shares change | shares Held | SEC Form |
Others Institutions Holding PBFX
# of Institutions
1Shares Held
12.7KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
0About PBF Logistics LP
- Ticker PBFX
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector Energy
- Industry Oil & Gas Midstream
- Shares Outstandng 62,741,700
- Description
- PBF Logistics LP owns, leases, acquires, develops, and operates crude oil and refined petroleum products terminals, pipelines, storage facilities, and other logistics assets in the United States. It operates in two segments, Transportation and Terminaling; and Storage. The company's assets include the DCR rail terminal, a double loop track with ...