Yaupon Capital Management LP Utilities Sector Spdr Transaction History
Yaupon Capital Management LP
- $1.74 Billion
- Q3 2024
A detailed history of Yaupon Capital Management LP transactions in Utilities Sector Spdr stock. As of the latest transaction made, Yaupon Capital Management LP holds 900,000 shares of XLU stock, worth $70.3 Million. This represents 4.19% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
900,000Holding current value
$70.3 Million% of portfolio
0 transactions
Quarter | Operation | Price Per share | shares change | shares Held | SEC Form |
Others Institutions Holding XLU
# of Institutions
1,501Shares Held
157MCall Options Held
13.2MPut Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY13.9MShares$1.09 Billion0.08% of portfolio
Bank Of America Corp Charlotte, NC13.4MShares$1.05 Billion0.09% of portfolio
Goldman Sachs Group Inc New York, NY8.63MShares$674 Million0.12% of portfolio
Lpl Financial LLC Fort Mill, SC5.62MShares$440 Million0.21% of portfolio
Bessemer Group Inc Woodbridge, NJ5.19MShares$406 Million0.69% of portfolio