Cetera Investment Advisers United States Gasoline Fund, LP Transaction History
Cetera Investment Advisers
- $45.9 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Cetera Investment Advisers transactions in United States Gasoline Fund, LP stock. As of the latest transaction made, Cetera Investment Advisers holds 20,563 shares of UGA stock, worth $1.23 Million. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 9,673
Holding current value
$1.23 Million
Previous $565,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
4 transactions
Others Institutions Holding UGA
# of Institutions
53Shares Held
656KCall Options Held
19.1KPut Options Held
Commonwealth Equity Services, LLC193KShares$11.5 Million0.02% of portfolio
Ramiah Investment Group Brookfield, WI94.4KShares$5.63 Million6.23% of portfolio
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc.50KShares$2.98 Million0.01% of portfolio
Milestone Asset Management, LLC Pittsburgh, PA32KShares$1.91 Million0.44% of portfolio
Blue Capital, Inc. Omaha, NE22.5KShares$1.34 Million1.0% of portfolio
About United States Gasoline Fund, LP
- Ticker UGA
- Exchange NYSE
- Sector ETFs
- Industry ETFs
- Shares Outstandng 1,800,000
- Market Cap $107M