Compass Ion Advisors, LLC Gabelli Etfs Tr Finl Svcs Oppt Transaction History
Compass Ion Advisors, LLC
- $773 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Compass Ion Advisors, LLC transactions in Gabelli Etfs Tr Finl Svcs Oppt stock. As of the latest transaction made, Compass Ion Advisors, LLC holds 22,127 shares of GABF stock, worth $1.04 Million. This represents 0.13% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 20,950
Holding current value
$1.04 Million
Previous $893,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.12%
7 transactions
Others Institutions Holding GABF
# of Institutions
10Shares Held
276KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Mario Gabelli Gamco Investors, Inc. Et Al | Rye, Ny218KShares$10.3 Million0.11% of portfolio
Gts Securities LLC New York, NY32.4KShares$1.52 Million0.07% of portfolio
Comprehensive Financial Planning, Inc./Pa East Petersburg, PA2.16KShares$101,5080.08% of portfolio
Ubs Group Ag824Shares$38,7770.0% of portfolio
Advisor Group Holdings, Inc. Phoenix, AZ412Shares$19,3880.0% of portfolio